A few weeks ago, I introduced a series to share some of the simple sayings that are resonating with me in profound ways. The first quote in the series was a gentle reminder that not having the right answer or not knowing how to do something doesn’t make you ignorant. Rather it’s those very things that pave the path to learning, new experiences, and undiscovered talents; it’s the path where strangers become friends and questions become revelations. When we can admit to what we don’t know, a door swings open presenting us with two options: we can ask questions and learn it or we can find peace with it and let it go.
While last week’s post was a celebration of curiosity, this week’s post says quite the opposite. This week’s post is more permission than celebration, more letting go than chasing after, more acceptance than insistence. Take a minute to think about what this means for you:
What is it that you are trying so desperately to make sense out of? What questions keep you up at night? Do the answers continue to feel just a little too far out of reach? What would your life look like if you never found the answer, but you found peace instead? How would you or could you experience life if you didn’t have to know the opinions of everyone’s else about the way you live your life? Trust yourself enough to believe that you are capable of navigating your life without soliciting the opinions and perspectives of other people. Trust that together, you and God can journey through uncharted territory without having all of the facts and intel about each step along the way. In fact, I believe it’s one of God’s greatest blessings that He doesn’t reveal the next step until one step is taken because He knows we’d be too overwhelmed with the whole picture.
Hear me on this. I am a firm believer in arming yourself with the appropriate level of information–now more than ever. Wise decisions are founded on solid information and best case scenario, you are gifted with enough information to forge ahead confidently. But there are times when we are called to make a choice or take a step forward armed with nothing but a vision or a gut feeling or an inkling of faith. And I don’t want you to dismiss those life-altering moments because you can’t see the entire picture or because you’re not holding a road map that tells you how it will all unfold.
Surrender is what happens when you give up your obsession to know everything, and from surrender, comes peace. Move freely about your life without getting stuck on what you don’t know and don’t let paralysis by over analysis become a roadblock in your life.